TTC: Decoding the Enigma


“Gotta BD because I had a positive OPK but DH is working late and no EWCM here! Not looking forward to the 2ww….If AF doesn’t show up by 14 DPO ill take a HPT and maybe ill finally get my BFP!”

If this looks more like Greek to you than a gyro smothered in tzitki sauce with a side of kalamata olives, rest assured you are not alone! There are tons of abbreviations thrown around in the infertility community and it can get overwhelming, especially when you are new to the game.

Allow me to decode the mystery for you. Below is a list of pretty commonly used acronyms or abbreviations (it’s probably not all inclusive so feel free to comment with any I missed!) so you’ll be able to figure out what people are saying, even if it takes you 5 minutes. The bonus is you’ll feel more accomplished than Sherlock Holmes once you figure it out!

2ww= 2 week wait, the time period between ovulation and a positive pregnancy test or your stupid period. This is based on a normal 28-day cycle when you ovulate on or around day 14.

AF=Aunt flow, or period

BBT= Basal body temperature

BD= Baby dance, or have sex for the purpose of getting pregnant (OMG she said SEX!!😳)

BFN = Big fat negative, or negative pregnancy test

BFP= Big fat positive…the elusive pink or blue line we are all looking for!

CD1=C ycle day 1, also known as AF (can also put any number after CD to indicate where in the cycle you are)

CM = cervical mucous

  • EWCM = egg white cervical mucous

DH = Dear husband

DPO= Days post ovulation

DTD= Doing the deed (Again, we are all adults here. SEX is okay too, and also the same amount of letters…)

HPT= Home pregnancy test

LMP = Last menstrual period, the first day of your last period, AKA AF and CD1 (see, you’re starting to follow I bet)

OPK = Ovulation predictor kit, or home ovulation test

RE = Reproductive endocrinologist.

SO = Significant other

TTC = Trying to conceive

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